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« | December 2008


December 19 2008

Bruno Fernandes: Snowed in



December 19 2008

Bruno Fernandes: Clean, crisp & consistent interface design

Mac OS has, at least since the introduction of X, been the recipient of much praise for thoughtful and clean interface design, from the Finder all the way through to Apple's series of Pro applications. A word that was starting to fall out of use a couple of years ago however, was "consistency."

Leopard's come quite a way to smooth things out in that regard, but I wish this wasn't the most consistent window to grace my screen.

Mac OS Leopard's most common Window

Mac OS X 10.5.x: Most Common Application Info Window


« | April 2008


April 20 2008

Bruno Fernandes: The Wedding Bells are Getting Louder

As mentioned, the big move was quite the adventure, but nothing compared to this new adventure... Last June I proposed to my then-girlfriend Erin and now the time has finally come for us to tie the knot. Planning, re-planning, final decisions, more planning, new final decisions and stress stress stress the whole time. It's hard to believe we're down to the last few days and while everything is "set," I can't help but feel there's so much left to do.

We're traveling to Portugal and will be married in Lagos, which is in the far South of the country in the area/province of Algarve on April 24th. Yes, this week. In fact we're doing some last minute packing right now because we have to be on a plane in the next few hours. After the ceremony we'll spend a few days in the area to unwind, before driving off for a trip up the length of the country for our honeymoon. That will take us through the next 9 days or so before we return to Lisbon, my birth-place and our final destination.

The trip will last 3 weeks in total and honestly I've only really started getting excited about it this past week. While it's been set up and a reality for a long time, I just haven't had the opportunity to really let it sink in nor the idea of it to really take hold in my mind. There's just been so much else going on keeping me running around and my mind completely occupied.

The GPS is loaded with the right maps and waypoints, the camera gear is safely tucked away and the clothes are making their way into suitcases. Wish us luck!


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MacOS Catalina Unsupported

MacOS 10.15 has removed core frameworks that Mira relies on for functionality. Mira will not function in MacOS 10.5 Catalina. If you need Mira in your workflow, please don't update to the new OS at this time.
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MacOS Mojave Settings

To make sure Mira continues to properly control your apps in MacOS 10.14, you might need to manually grant it permission inside the Accessibility section of System & Privacy Preferences.
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Now Shipping

New Mira version, new mini IR receiver, USB-C adapter.
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